31 January 2010

The House of Yes Yes Yes!

Now usually I'd rather stab my right eye out than follow a trail of hipsters off the L train into Williamsburg (don't get me wrong, I love the place, the scene, but sometimes its gag city, you with me?), but when those sparkly legged, long haired, soft hearted youths are headed towards The House of Yes, I am game.

For me, It's the only place in Brooklyn that really captures the energy of central Europe , and reminds me of the days I spent in Copenhagen this past summer. Enter this unique space through an old warehouse door, with colorful tiles adorning the frame. 342 Muajer St. Brooklyn.

Inside, a dose of life literally slaps you in the face, with a relaxed bar scene, old couches and chairs, cool kids like you from all walks of life, a stage, and dope art going on in each little corner.

There is usually a suggested 10$ donation, and by suggestion they made required admission fee. Yet, leave it to a charmer like me with the sweetest smile in the world to pass through unnoticed. (Okay, to be fair, I only had my hello kitty debit card on me, and there was no ATM in sight. I'll definitely get them back next time!  )

I was lucky enough to come on a "circus themed" night, with pole crawlers in sparkly costumes, acrobats swinging in the air, fire jugglers(so euro), and the like decorating the space around a kick ass band shooting love, lyrics, and amazing media art in your direction. When the live music stops, be ready for some Jackson 5 and/or Lady Gaga to keep you moving between sets.

I was just totally blown by this place, and am excited to explore the spot during the day with the looters and squatters who stick around after hours.

Moreover, I was totally blown away by the main attraction band: The Shivers

Check them out!!!  Right now!!!!!!!!!

Didn't go in the bathroom. Sorry. I'm sure it's disgusting.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Our bathroom is quite pretty thank you very much! And it is located at 342 Maujer St. I don't think this Muejer St. you speak of will show up on the Google Maps.

    Thanks for your nice words about the show!

    And I'll have you know none of us are looters or squatters. Just miscreants!
